Refined Goodhart’s Law
Any system with a test of effectiveness will optimize for better testing rather than better effectiveness.
The very act of measurement undoes the effectiveness of the system. The most recent example for this phenomenon is Volkswagen cheating on their emission test.
This is also evident in education. By having an endless series of tests that span the most creative, productive and formative stages of the human life, we significantly reduce the possibility of producing exceptional humans ready to take on challenges larger than themselves.
We take free humans, force them into a box during most of their prime and then complain about their inability to think outside that very same box.
By focusing on creative / living portfolios for assessments, emphasizing production and creation as markers of learning, we push young humans to care deeply about their work, cultivate a sense of pride, exceptional work ethic and well rounded integrity by respecting their ability to be creators.
Industrial Age is over
We need polymaths. A large, growing number of them.
With advanced reasoning machines in the vicinity and high-precision robotics that can be driven by those machines a definitive outcome, an education system optimized for specialized labor force is obsolete. We need to make it possible for pre-industrial-revolution level of polymaths to emerge.
It is time for the next generation Da Vincis, Leibnizes, Bharathis and Tagores. They are not going to spring up by themselves and definitely not as a product of a system that is intentionally designed for trivial specializations.
We need rich environments where experimentation is the default, innovation is common place and failures are colorful feathers to collect. With Puthir we have envisioned and executed on such an environment, crafting, producing and thriving.
Standardized Humans are AI fodder
We need to enable intellectual mutation, empower divergence.
Every standard human thought will be replicated by machines faster and better. All is not lost, though. We have been intellectually crippling humans by holding them to suffocating standards.
It is time to remove the shackles. Let them see the world with their unique set of eyes and the colorful lenses they can make when judgments are reserved.
There is an opportunity here for smaller nations and nimble economies that are fast to adapt, ready to experiment, willing to embrace systemic change. An opportunity to leap-frog the incumbent powers and jump right into extreme and rapid success.
If you are such a nation or economy and are ready to experiment, reach out to us. We’d love to plant and nurture Puthir seeds in as many free and fertile environments as possible.
Institutions must become breeding grounds of ingenuity
In the age of intelligence, when knowledge is a commodity, the highest value is originality. The highest virtue, work ethic.
The current assessments of educational outcomes, built for the industrial age are no longer applicable in the age of intelligence. Institutions that continue to assess and optimize for an era, now long-gone will be rendered obsolete by innovators at the blink of an eye.
This is a good thing as institutions that are too scared to innovate and hug the cash-cows they have fed and bred are no longer useful. There is no place for those that cling to the old in the age of new intelligences and new knowledge.
There is going to be a lot of fantastic work
The rise of intelligent machines implies increased capabilities. Extraordinary opportunities and incredible possibilities.
Those who dare to dream and those who skill to execute will shape the doors to new futures. Educational processes that imprison minds and deny dreams are no longer inefficiencies that we lethargically error-correct. They are systemic failures that will render their offshoots sterile in an environment of infinite possibilities.
With Puthir, we have established a high-agency, high-production, high-value learning environment that has strong emphasis on nurturing strong-willed individuals that will take advantage of technological progress to reshape human trajectories.